Called Within

The gong has sounded. The bell has rung. A call to prayer issued. Like monks in the monastery or mothers in the mommastary nurturing their young, we have all been called collectively to go within. Within our homes. Within our families. And within ourselves. As circumstances strip us of our sense of certainty, there is nothing left but to go deep within to know the certainty of who we truly are. We now sit with our own feelings of dis-ease as we seek to prevent the spread of ill health in our communities. We surrender to the falling apart within us as businesses close, infrastructures become limited, and connection is distanced. As the inner and outer world mirror one another, we have a choice. We can choose to stand beyond this mirror to listen and create with compassion and grace. But how can we make such a choice when our circumstances and the circumstances of all of humanity feel so heavy; so real? It is like leaping from one rock to the next to cross a swirling stream, not knowing whether your landing will be slippery or solid. This leap, one rock to the next, one day to the next, one moment to moment is only possible with being present to the journey and the current that is taking us to our next level of heart centered expansion individually and collectively. So for today, and however many days needed, while our minds and bodies are adjusting to a changing new normal let us be mindful in these way:

  • Listen with Presence to our pain and loss in this moment and ask ourselves what we need.

  • Take frequent breaks and create small achievable routines that allow us to stay centered throughout the day.

  • Keep a journal or sketch pad and in it reflect on the fortitude and strength we have gained from past challenging times and bring that forward to this moment.

And if you would like help in creating these and other tangible ways of Presence to yourself and those around you in this time of transition, feel free to contact me for a one on one session. My coaching is open to you by donation for the next two months.

With Love,
