Personal, Home, and Community are the three areas that when we give focus and then integrate them in our lives we have the power to thrive and contribute in meaningful ways.

Personal Radiance
Who you are in the world begins with who you are with yourself. Our identities are so complex and when we build them in relationship to all that we see outside of ourselves, it can be an exhausting, confusing and painful journey. And yet, these ongoing circumstances and life changing events often hold the possibilities for our own expansion. I offer a courageous space to gain a stronger understanding of your own identity, to hear your own voice and from there, to attract and choose what you create in your life. I offer tools to support your self-exploration, to grieve and clear loss, and get creative around your next manifestation. You have the power to live out an identity that brings peace and alignment to your life experience.

Home and Intimate Partnerships
Our homes and our intimate partnerships are a sacred space to grow ourselves. It is also where we practice living in the complexities of difference be that in our needs, communication, beliefs and capabilities. I offer a space for you to grow your own centeredness and awareness as you build connection with those you love. From the place of what is within your control you can develop the communication and structures that create the continuity and connection you desire with yourself, your partner, children and other close friends and family.

Contributors to the World
Many of us are change agents through our work and in our communities. We are passionate about what we do to make our world a better place and we want to offer ourselves from a place of balance. Through a greater understanding of both our privilege and marginalized experiences we can heal and contribute with greater sustainability to our communities. Building from your strengths, let us envision your next venture, embody your skills to offer authentic leadership and presence in your home, work and communities.