Personal Radiance

You are a human being, not a human doing. Your doingness comes from your beingness.

Who am I? Where do I belong? As a multi-dimensional being, how can I be true to my inner knowing in a world where I don’t always feel like I fit in? How can I be myself while growing and connecting with others? What parts of me do I desire to heal in order to live in my highest expression of authenticity? How can my identity integrate the different worlds, roles, and life experiences I am living? How can I create congruency with my inner self and my divine energy while living in a world of social constructs that may or may not serve me? How can the layered complexities and skills in my life serve a greater purpose for humanity? If these are just a few of the questions that drive your purpose in this lifetime, talk with me.

I offer:

  • A courageous space to gain a stronger understanding of your own identity, tap into your unique brilliance and support your deliberate creation.

  • Tools to support your self-exploration, to grieve and clear loss, and get creative around your next manifestation.

  • Ways to access your divine power to live out an identity that brings peace and alignment to your life experience.

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